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Violenceof genre.


Is consideredas gender violence to any conscious act that seeks to harm a person physically, psychologically, sexually or economically. In this type of violence, there is very clear manifestations of inequality, subordination and power relations that men have over women, in addition to being interpreted as a previously learned relationship strategy that is not innate in an abuser.


This kind of violence is not always openly demonstrated during courtship, nor from the beginning of a relationship as a couple. In fact, it is very common for these battered women to report that at the beginning of their relationships everything was very idyllic and wonderful.

Likewise, it cannot be ignored that the same term is used to describe violence directed against LGBTQI+ communities, especially when referring to violence related to masculinity/femininity norms or what is required by gender norms.

In a broad sense, gender-based violence constitutes a serious violation of human rights, and likewise, it is a health and protection problem that puts the life of a person at risk regardless of their gender or age._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_In other words, any woman or girl suffers gender violence in a disproportionate way, but likewise, there are men and boys who are not exempt from this.

If the profile of women abusers is reviewed, it will be discovered that they all have a macho upbringing in common, with which they have always been made to see women in inequality and with little respect for them. It is also important to know that abusers are selective in the exercise of their violence, which shows that they may still be able to control themselves in any situation other than domestic.

Particularly in gender violence, the same objective is always sought, which is to deteriorate the woman's self-esteem, so that the aggressor increases his degree of power and control over her. On the other hand, the victims of an abuser create the false idea that they do not live in danger and many maintain the fantasy that their situation will improve at some point. However, there is a powerful reason for these women to realize that they must put an end to that relationship for their well-being and that of their children, and it is the latter who, in a moment of crisis, claim that they can no longer cope with that situation, demanding her mother to leave that unhealthy relationship because otherwise, they would be the ones who would leave abandoning her and with no more support to give her.


Four types of gender violence are known:


  • Economic violence:


A marked financial dependence of women is created, by exercising total control over shared resources in the area of cohabitation, in addition to depriving or preventing access to them, as well as prohibiting her from working or attending formal and informal education. .


The abuser maintains an idea that the woman is incompetent and that she is not capable of managing the money that enters the home well.


  • Psychological violence:


This includes all verbal and non-verbal behavior that over time will produce devaluation, contempt, humiliation, suffering and fear in women through constant criticism and intimidation. Every abuser uses threats such as causing physical harm to her partner, her children, pets and property, in addition to forcing her to isolate herself from her friends, family, studies or work.


This type of psychological abuse is the most difficult to detect, since its manifestations are very subtle to notice, however, the more they persist over time, the more it seriously deteriorates emotional stability and destroys a person's self-esteem.


  • Physical violence:


It consists of any act of force against the body of a person, with the result or risk of causing physical injury or some other type of damage, whether by hitting, kicking, burning, holding with force to exert control, pushing, slapping , throwing objects, pulling hair, biting, using a leash to whip, use of weapons, attempted strangulation, attempts to cause an abortion, as well as denying medical care or forcing alcohol or drugs._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

Unlike psychological abuse, physical abuse is carried out with the hands or with any object or weapon, causing damage that may be more evident and easier to demonstrate.


  • sexual violence:


This encompasses all the types of violence described, since it refers to any act of a sexual nature forced by the aggressor and not consented by the woman, it encompasses the imposition of force to have sexual relations._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_This is considered sexual abuse, regardless of whether or not the aggressor has a marital, affective, partner or family relationship with the victim.


  • Sexual harassment:


This is another type of abuse that is also included within the spectrum of gender violence and is associated with behaviors that consist of requesting favors of a sexual nature, for himself or for a third person and in which the active subject uses a situation of labor, teaching or similar superiority, but submitting the victim under coercion.

Reasons frequently given  by gender victims for not abandoning their aggressor​:


In the medical records of many women, there are many indicators of an influence of the environment in which the woman grew up, in this regard, perhaps she was educated with the idea that love is accompanied by abuse, because that is how she saw it very frequently around him, perhaps in the relationship that his parents had, in some relatives or friends.


A cause can also be the idealization of the abuser by making him the most important thing he has found in his life, getting used to feeling the suffering as a couple as if it were something very normal.


Likewise, you may have created the habit of depending on that person and you are continually waiting for them to show that at some point their interest or feelings for them will change.


Another factor that stops her from leaving the aggressor is wanting to protect and not harm her children so as not to leave them without economic protection that she cannot cover.

Undoubtedly, another relevant reason why a victim does not leave their aggressor is low self-esteem. This has a lot to do with the quality of education that has been received or not and that characterizes that feeling of inferiority, since not having a high self-demand in women will not allow her to evolve or improve personally.


The feelings that generally accompany this low self-esteem are those of not considering that she can fend for herself, a marked lack of motivation to try to change her situation, a tendency to compare herself with other women to justify her status as a victim, she always feels bad about herself, She blames herself for everything, she does not stop being unconditionally available and at the service of her partner and children, because she thinks that this way they will esteem her more. She does not have enough family support and is observed to be socially isolated and worried about public opinion.a.

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