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Considered one of the mental health conditions that most harms people worldwide.

  • It is described as a pattern of excessive worries characterized by impatience, fear, anguish and suffocation that does not have a logic of origin, or antecedents, but it can be said with uniform criteria that it is a sensation of danger or alert that something is happening to us. It can happen abruptly or catastrophically.

  • It is caused by internal stimuli of thoughts and imaginations that create those distressing sensations.

  • It cannot be predicted or attributed to any factor and this fear is characterized by being constant and persistent enough to last for several days or months, or to be more precise, it must occur more than half of the days of the weeks corresponding to the last six months. months of its appearance.

  • Signs of excessive worry are manifested, with a feeling of great tension accompanied by altered heart rate, rapid breathing or hyperventilation, sweating and tremors.

  • With a sensitivity towards circumstances of work life, usual social environment, of the couple and family.

  • There are also behaviors of irritability, concentration difficulties, fatigue due to this constant state of alertness and agitation, as well as sleep disturbances, migraines, muscle tension and digestive problems.


  • To begin with, anyone can have anxiety and at the same time be able to lead a life like everyone else.

  • With medication and timely psychotherapeutic support either individually, as a couple, including the family or in support groups.

  • Some specific recommendations include learning muscle relaxation techniques and control of body activation, as well as control of deep breathing in times of crisis or not.

  • Meditation, yoga or tai chi, as well as the choice to train in a sport of the patient's preference, accompanied by a healthy diet without stimulating drinks or coffee.

  • Training in controlled and gradual desensitization in situations that generate fear.

  • Training in emotional self-management to use it in those situations that specifically activate anxiety.

  • It is not about eliminating the thoughts that create anxiety, but about evaluating them objectively as a reality check and learning to replace them with other positive thoughts that calm you down.

  • Only training by a psychologist will make a difference with a patient not treated with psychotherapy, since whoever has received it will always show the advantage of having learned techniques to be able to properly face and manage that irrational fear that characterizes this disease.

It is important to keep in mind that if you find yourself in a similar situation and the Anxiety overcomes your psychic defenses


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